Rails Girls awarded as one of the Ruby Heroes of 2013

Rails Girls

It has been amazing to see and be part of Linda’s child growing up from a small workshop at Kisko Labs offices to a worldwide movement in more than 80 locations. I wanna publicly thank Linda, Karri, Henrietta and Terence for all the great work they have done for the community!

I attended Rails Girls Krakow workshop and the Rails Berry conference couple of weeks ago for the second time. It was great to see how much has happened in a year. This year all the Rails Girls event organizers and coaches were local (if you don’t count me and Mislav). The lightning talks were given in Polish which made sense since that was the strongest language of most of the attendees. Also two of the coaches of the workshop were attendees of the last year’s workshop. Really inspiring!

If you are interested in providing women with a inspiring introduction to the world of technology, go and check out the Rails Girls site to find out where things are happening and how to get involved.